Takht i Bahi

high-definition creative commons photographs from Takht i Bahi, Pakistan together with further information.


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The Tahkt i Bahi site, which is around 13km NW of Mardan, stands at an elevation of around 500m, or around 300ft above the surrounding countryside. It was a Buddhist Monastery, with a stūpa, votive stūpas, and living quarters; as well as having residential and work areas for the lay people who served the monastery.

The main area consists of a stūpa area, at which only the base still remains; beyond that is a courtyard for shrines and statues; and beyond that a monastery. To the east of the monastery may be the sīma area, where acts of vinaya were performed.

Beyond this central or focus area there are the remains of many buildings, which must have residential and work areas for the lay people attached to the monastery, and also store rooms. Cunningham wrote a report of the Takht i Bahi site with detailed drawings in 1848.


Satellite View of the Site

Satellite View of the Site

001 General View of Site

001 General View of Site

In the foreground is the stūpa area, beyond which are the shrine rooms, and at the top is the monastery, which potentially had rooms for 30 monastics. To the left of that is the sīma area.


002 The Monastic Area

002 The Monastic Area

003 View of the Courtyard

003 View of the Courtyard

004 Votive Stupa Area with Newly Excavated Area in Backround

004 Votive Stupa Area with Newly Excavated Area in Backround

005 Votive Stupa Area with Large Shrine Niches

005 Votive Stupa Area with Large Shrine Niches

006 Votive Stupa Area

006 Votive Stupa Area

007 Staircase

007 Staircase

008 Votive Stupa Area

008 Votive Stupa Area

009 Shrine Rooms

009 Shrine Rooms

010 Shrine Rooms

010 Shrine Rooms

011 Shrine Room

011 Shrine Room

012 Shrine Room

012 Shrine Room

013 Shrine Room Ceiling

013 Shrine Room Ceiling

014 Main Stupa

014 Main Stupa

015 Main Stupa

015 Main Stupa

016 Wall with Niches

016 Wall with Niches

017 Niches and Window

017 Niches and Window

018 Windows

018 Windows

019 Rubble in One Room

019 Rubble in One Room

020 The Monastery

020 The Monastery

021 Covered Stupa Remains

021 Covered Stupa Remains

022 Covered Stupa Remains

022 Covered Stupa Remains

023 Corridor

023 Corridor

024 Wall Support for Preservation

024 Wall Support for Preservation

025 View of nearby Settlement

025 View of nearby Settlement

026 Extension of the Site

026 Extension of the Site

027 Extension of the Site

027 Extension of the Site

028 Extension of the Site

028 Extension of the Site

029 View with Villages in Background

029 View with Villages in Background

030 False Gable Niches

030 False Gable Niches

031 False Gable Niches

031 False Gable Niches

032 False Gable Niches

032 False Gable Niches

033 False Gable Niches

033 False Gable Niches

034 Two Storied Niches

034 Two Storied Niches

035 Underground Chamber

035 Underground Chamber

036 Housing Wall in New Excavation Site

036 Housing Wall in New Excavation Site

037 Room and Window in New Excavation Site

037 Room and Window in New Excavation Site

038 Two Storied House in New Excavation Site

038 Two Storied House in New Excavation Site

039 Staircase and Storied Building in New Excavation Site

039 Staircase and Storied Building in New Excavation Site

040 General View of Buildings

040 General View of Buildings

041 Storied Buildings

041 Storied Buildings


Photographs by Leow Chai Yee
Edited and Described by Ānandajoti Bhikkhu

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